Tuesday, April 6, 2010

///Takeover code complete.... /characters online

Hi Howard here, wow I have never done a blog post before! um well I guess I need to tell you about myself, well my name is Howard, and I am a car. Krazor made me, Krazor is like the best dad ever, ummmm. Well lets see I love NASCAR, and um oh I like the Indy 500, and I have a grumpy Gothic sister who reads magazines. So as you can imagine we don't always get along.

Well I guess I need a point to this post, as it is like my only shot at a post, so... chocolate! Krazor never lets me have chocolate, he says that cars don't eat it, but it looks so good! I wish he would let me have some. I like music, I listen to music all the time...... hold on the chicken got loose.

Back. the robo-chicken stole Krazor's bolts. Sometimes I hate that chicken, well anyway ummmmmm..... I like to fly kites. Krazor doesn't let me do it often, but I enjoy it nonetheless. Motherbrain is my grandmother I suposse as she tries to mother Krazor a lot. She sometimes turns on the virtual room for me, that's nice.

OH Krazor's body guard got married to Grey, Grey is nice she says nice things to me. Krazor doesn't like her though.

I think this is it, maybe sometime my sis will get on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOL!!!! *rolls around laughing* Poor Howard, don't you remember why Krazor never gives you chocolate??? *pats Howard's hood*