Monday, April 5, 2010

Psychopath, or genius?

The line can be thin for those in literature. One thing that we authors don't tell, especially those in Horror, Sci-fi, and fantasy, we spend a lot of time thinking up horrible things to do to our characters.

I have literally spent years working on villains, and to this day I am still not satisfied with their levels of evil. Unlike Sympathetic villains, evil villains are much more sinister and creepy. They do horrible things such as send their victims through industrial paper shredders.

See? I JUST came up with that one, and now I am wondering where I could put it in a novel. My point though with the villains is that they still need to be understood. Not sympathetic, but understood. Merely wanting to take over the world is not enough anymore, nooooooo, now we need a reason. A control freak? that'll do, as long as you show that he is bothered by things even being slightly different from how he planned.
Nut case? eh, not gonna work much anymore. Mad scientists are not as popular as they once were.

But now I often have to go deeper. Some sick philosophy that drives them. I have a character named Morgan that believe we should kill all of humanity to bring them back to life as "Vampires" these "vampires" would feed on any living thing, and supposedly be invincible.
Another is a less ambitious character, Rang. Rang is a superhuman who steals and assassinates for a living. the problem is that Superhumans are good guys too, and they often beat him up after a strike. He set out to make it illegal to be superhuman so all of the heroes are hunted too.

My point? these are not typical healthy thoughts, and would more likely come out of a psychopath, than an average teen. The difference is that I put it down on paper, and also have heroes. It just often seems rather sick when you really think about it.

Another element that we don't talk about is that we come up with horrible things to do to our heroes. Kill their family, their family IS their enemy. They are genetic freaks hunted by humanity, or they are hunting genetic freaks to save humanity. We go at this from every angle, and we can come up with some pretty sick plot lines for characters.

Unlike I sometimes portray, i am not tame with my stories. My characters, even heroes, do some pretty horrible things sometimes. Krazor, one of my favorites, was a master assassin, and another, Mad Jack, is a former military operative that see's no problem with killing the villains. He see's this enemy who continues to be a threat, and eliminates him so the rest of them don't fall victim. Another, Fedora, Has been known to torture those who do not give him info. (Ok Fedora is a bad example as he is a bit of an antagonist, even though he is not a villain.)

So, now that I told you this little secret... still want to write a best selling fantasy novel?


Anonymous said...

Wow......... Very interesting........ Good points, Adam.........

Anonymous said...

Very intersting post Adam. I think I might have the answer to your questions, though. It's obvious that God gave you a gift for writing. While it's up to you to use this gift the way you want to, I think your capacity to think up truly creepy villians is part of this God-given gift.
PS: I can also think up creepy villians (in fact, I do all the time) but I just don't use them in my stories because I don't know how. Go figure. Keep thinking up those weirdos! ;)

Kinder said...

I love your villians ADAM! and I don't find you a psychopath, I believe you are a genious, and as Emma said, God gave you that genious, and I love how you're not afraid to use it! So, keep writing those villians! ^_^

Justyne Kayce said...

The mind of an author is a crazy place. :D I have less issue with villains and more with multiple personality 'disorder'. Characters always talking on one's head...
Sounds like you have some really well thought out villains, though. :D