Saturday, May 1, 2010

By the time you recieve this, it may be too late.

At 11;28 my family returned from the comic book store. they came back with comic books, bags, and screaming glow in the dark monkeys.

This is going to be a very looooooong day. My Momma is planning a tour around the city taking pictures of this er Woot the Monkey with landmarks. I am already looking into the cost of earplugs and a two week vacation.

If any of you have like free two way tickets to Alaska, send them to me now.
However by the time they get here.
it may be too late.


~Amy Thomson~ said...

haha, you've got a great sense of humour! And no, I haven't got free two way tickets, I'm'll just have to bear it.

God bless,
Amy Thomson

Birdie said...

The screaming, glow-in-the-dark monkeys read your blog and aren't pleased with your attitude. They are coming for you!