I have played just about EVERY 3D spider-man game on the market. I enjoy Spider-man games like no other, and so I thought I would give my review on the various games throughout.
Over the next few days I will be going over one or two games a day, and telling you the pros and cons of each title.
Today though I will focus on the first two: Spider-man for PS1 and Spider-man 2: Enter Electro for the PS1.
The first game is about a Symbiote invasion on new york, I will try to not spoil too much, but I will say it is a rather cheesy plot line. The story actually is supposed to be what drives this game, but instead of driving the game along, it feels more like you are watching random clips of different TV episodes. The story has about 6 major turns, and they are all barely tied together. The game also seems to throw in bosses for the sake of having them, like Venom who distracts from the actual story. This happens a lot, but Venom is the most annoying part.
Cheesiness aside, the gameplay is good even if rather simple. You get three basic moves: Punch, kick, and web; the combos are weak too, so don't expect a whole lot of depth there.
The missions themselves are the best part. rarely do you repeat a mission objective. Expect a new type of task and requirement after each mission. the bosses also got progressively harder, and more unique. This was pretty much required after the weak combo system.
Conclusion: 7/10
The game was a load of fun the first time though, but with a distracted storyline, and weak combo system, there was not much to go back to.
Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro
This game went under the radar, and almost no one heard of this sequel to Spider-man. With the much bigger movie game coming out only half a year later, all focus was on the movie title. The story was both a step up, and a step down. on one hand it eliminated the distractions the first game faced, but it also was even dumber than the first game's plot. This time Electro has gathered up all of the less famous villains not shown in the first game, and sent them out after a generator suit and crystal that will make him even more powerful than he is now. This plot was followed extensivly and we never deviated from it, so no distractions this time around.
The combo system was a HUGE step up over the original. With around twice as many moves as you could preform in the first game. this id however make the game a little harder as well, but in a good way.
The missions are even more varied in this game than the first as well. It makes everything you did in the first game seem redundant. one minute you are defusing a bomb, the next you are clearing the way for an air plane, or crawling up and down a electrified wall trying to avoid Electro's attacks. the Bosses also were different from any bosses that I have personally faced on any other game. This alone makes this ancient game worth trying.
Conclusion: 8/10
The lame story is almost headache inducing, but it excelled at its new combat system. The story being more linear also helps it greatly. The Missions are actually better, and the bosses are more interesting to face.
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