Friday, January 29, 2010

Common Misconseptions of life part 1: Witch hunts

First I would like to start with a few examples.

A few years back when the first Narnia movie was released, a email group my mom was cautioning everyone not to go. Their reason? they believed that Narnia was not an allegory, and C.S. Lewis was actually a witch who was trying to convert us to Witchcraft. My dad argued with them, but they refused to budge, and were against ANYONE who disagreed with them at all.

A few months back me and Tillie got into a disagreement over rock. Whether or not God used it for good, or if Satan had sole control of rock. There was very little structure to support Tillie's argument, and her final reasoning was that it was the drums in the foreground were what made it bad.

At the same time Tessa got mad at Kutless for their Sea of faces video because some of the people wore less than modest clothing. she said she did not support bands that had videos like that. I explained that it was not their decision, but instead the director.

Me? I personally went on an attack against Dragons. They were a symbol of Satan. I reasoned if it represented him, then it therefore must be evil itself. I disregarded that Satin is also referred to as a serpent, and a lion. those things are not necessarily evil, but I didn't care.

What do al of these have in common? well two things: One is flimsy arguments, and the other is a relentless and unwilling to budge attacks. We are all guilty of these witch hunts. we all have our own personal agenda, and we forget what we were really called on this earth to do.

We need to remember we weren't sent to nitpick life. We are sinners, and if we are caught in an obvious sin, then we need to repent, but seriously! we need to lay off others. They are sinners too, and have a different perspective.

As the title indicates there will be more to this series, but i thought i would start here.

Edit: Word had turned Satan in Satin. beware of those evil satin worshipers.


Anonymous said...

Excellent point Adam. I have had this happen to me time and again and eventually realized that maybe my decision was sort of...well, ignorant. Like with Lord of the Rings, which I thought was evil until a few months ago. Can't wait for more :)

Tessa D. Silvas said...


I have to ask, what made you say that I was 'mad' at Kutless?

I don't recall saying that.

What I DID say, however, was that I did not appreciate the way the people were dressed in that video you showed me. Therefore, I chose not to watch it. Regardless of who's decision it was that they were dressed in such a way does not matter to me.

Blessings! Because HE is Good, Tessa