Wednesday, May 26, 2010

as you may have noticed I have been doing....

Spider-Man reviews. I was doing them to keep from getting bored, but the problem was.... I got bored. Well now you know that I like the really old one, but not the slightly newer ones.

Basicly I had four more, but to simplify things I will just give my ratings for them,a nd move on with life.

Spider-Man 2 for PS2 7.5/10

Ultimate Spider-Man (all platforms) 8.5/10

Spider-Man 3 PC/PS#/Xbox 360 5/10

Spider-Man Web of Shadows PC/PS3/Xbox 360 9.5/10

Ok all done. I may eventually give a review for that last game because I love it, but I am done with reviews for now.

Now on to my life. My life has been hectic. Between arguments over religion, politics, and whether or not older members need their own section; then there was a cottonmouth in our yard, and my best friend is gone for two weeks.

A lot of good has happened too. I got three new games. I found a free copy of another game i dearly loved, and I have been catching up rapidly on school.

So now I am going to let you all debate this subject: Which is more likely to happen?
A: Finding a field of gold, or
B. Illegal Aliens launching them selves into Canada via a rocket.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Spiderman revew set #2

Yesterday I focused on Spider-man games for the PS1 while the were really good, Today I will focus On the two movie games for the PC: Spider-Man: the movie, and Spider-Man 2.

Spider-Man: The Movie

This game came out at the same time as the movie. I LOVED the movie, and so I bought the game. One thing that is immediately clear after booting this game up is that this game is WAY better looking than its predecessors. big shiny explosions, and animated faces were just one of many things that made this game so cool to watch. There was rain, and then the weather even sometimes changed while in a mission. Spider-man was no longer restricted to one or two swings at a time, he could roam on his webs freely!

This is where things also start looking bad. The game made one other thing clear from the get-go, it was ALL about attack combos. with around fifty combos to unlock, and each of them doing different styles of attacks, you had to memorize a lot to keep going. The game-play was severely hit by the necessity to keep opening up new moves, because you hammer the bosses over and over with the same move, and they will start countering you. The game-play was also affected by one severe flaw: His webs were now CLEARLY hitting the sky. Before with the old ones it was harder to notice, but now there were mission where you were webbing around from the sky, above all the other buildings. That distraction aside, there was one last glaring problem: The camera. the camera never co-operated for a minute, and would make you dizzier than any of spider-man's daring moves.

The story to begin with has little to do with the movie, you go after Uncle Ben's killer, who is now oddly a huge gang leader. This was done so you could fight through tree levels of around 100 some-odd thugs, and get a feel for the game. then you do this again with about 4-5 other bosses before you learn of the Green Goblin. The Green Goblin was a huge highpoint for this game, because Willam Dafoe came back from the movie to voice him, and so all of the menace of the movie version was in the game.

The missions are another low point in this game. It is essentially: Beat up three levels of thugs, and a boss fight. You repeat this formula till the end of the game. the only deviation from this method are a couple of chase missions that were annoying because the camera would glitch out a twirl around at all the wrong moments.

Conclusion: 5.5/10
Overall it was fun one time through, but there were as many things in the game hindering it from being a great experience, as there were positive aspects. The best reason to get the game back then were the visuals, which were stunning, but now look dated. The game-play is frustrating, and the camera is headache and nausea inducing.

Spider-Man 2 (PC edition)

Spiderman 2 was praised for its new free roam abilities, swinging system, and visuals. it had great voice acting.... but wait! the PC version was not even the same game. Read to find out.

First thing becomes immediately clear... this ain't Spider-Man. He has been reduced to being controlled b a mouse, and having only two attacks, and NO combos. The graphics on the humans looks slightly better than the last game, only for the environment to look like it was from a playstation. it was HIDEOUS!!

Like I said before this game has ZERO game-play, from the lack of combos (zero) to the horrific camera, to the fact that they TELL you how to beat EVERY boss before you face them. I do not know how to emphasize how bad the game-play is.

The story is non-existent. there is no story at all. you go through a series of missions without a clue as to what is going on. Nothing is tied together, and the cut-scenes are as confusing as the game itself.

Conclusion: 2/10

there were moments of a glimmer of hope here and there, but the game made no sense, and was also impossible to have fun with. It is the only spider-man game that I can honestly say, was horrible. Do not buy this game, you will not have fun.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Spiderman game reviews.

I have played just about EVERY 3D spider-man game on the market. I enjoy Spider-man games like no other, and so I thought I would give my review on the various games throughout.
 Over the next few days I will be going over one or two games a day, and telling you the pros and cons of each title.
Today though I will focus on the first two: Spider-man for PS1 and Spider-man 2: Enter Electro for the PS1.


The first game is about a Symbiote invasion on new york, I will try to not spoil too much, but I will say it is a rather cheesy plot line. The story actually is supposed to be what drives this game, but instead of driving the game along, it feels more like you are watching random clips of different TV episodes. The story has about 6 major turns, and they are all barely tied together. The game also seems to throw in bosses for the sake of having them, like Venom who distracts from the actual story. This happens a lot, but Venom is the most annoying part.

Cheesiness aside, the gameplay is good even if rather simple. You get three basic moves: Punch, kick, and web; the combos are weak too, so don't expect a whole lot of depth there. 

The missions themselves are the best part. rarely do you repeat a mission objective. Expect a new type of task and requirement after each mission. the bosses also got progressively harder, and more unique. This was pretty much required after the weak combo system.

Conclusion: 7/10
The game was a load of fun the first time though, but with a distracted storyline, and weak combo system, there was not much to go back to.

Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro

This game went under the radar, and almost no one heard of this sequel to Spider-man. With the much bigger movie game coming out only half a year later, all focus was on the movie title. The story was both a step up, and a step down. on one hand it eliminated the distractions the first game faced, but it also was even dumber than the first game's plot. This time Electro has gathered up all of the less famous villains not shown in the first game, and sent them out after a generator suit and crystal that will make him even more powerful than he is now. This plot was followed extensivly and we never deviated from it, so no distractions this time around.

The combo system was a HUGE step up over the original. With around twice as many moves as you could preform in the first game. this id however make the game a little harder as well, but in a good way.

The missions are even more varied in this game than the first as well. It makes everything you did in the first game seem redundant. one minute you are defusing a bomb, the next you are clearing the way for an air plane, or crawling up and down  a electrified wall trying to avoid Electro's attacks. the Bosses also were different from any bosses that I have personally faced on any other game. This alone makes this ancient game worth trying.

Conclusion: 8/10
The lame story is almost headache inducing, but it excelled at its new combat system. The story being more linear also helps it greatly. The Missions are actually better, and the bosses are more interesting to face.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Are we there yet?

Sorry i have not been posting lately. Between managing Inklings, getting caught up and finished with school, and throwing myself down a virtual mountain at roughly 75MPH, I have been quite busy.

I got a game that came out a few years back, but i never bothered trying till now. SSX3. Me and my sis have been having loads of fun snowboarding while doing insanely impossible tricks, and riding through insanely impossible terrain. If you have never played it I strongly suggest picking up a copy and trying it.

I have dropped working on my latest book for now. It is frustrating me, and I seriously need to finish school.

Supposedly i am getting another game today. ATV off road fury 3. Should be fun. I willl probably continue to blog, but probably not every day.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Worst Generation

I was doing stuff last night when I thought of something. But first I must explain myself here. Most of you have heard the term: “A man is only as good as his word.” Which means that a person is only as good as the promises they keep, even the little ones. And every little lie is a mark against him.

This got me thinking. Is our Generation then the worst the world has ever seen? Think about it. We are going to be a generation that lying is the norm, and that divorce will be the highest of any generation before.
So this Generation will be the great big black mark on world history centuries from now. People will read that we never kept our word on anything, that we did whatever we want without any care for others. We will be known for extremely high divorce rate, and for lawsuits over broken contracts, and nobody trusting anyone else.

I do not know what we can do about it, but be honest ourselves, and do not do anything to break contracts, or agreements. If enough of us do it we may be able to counter this overly dishonest Generation.

Anyone with me?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Second post today, look below for the other.

I had a crazy school assignment: Take two books, write down 5 sentences from each, and use at least 6 of them in a short 1 or 2 page story. These are the books and sentences:

Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports:

Used - I crossed my arms as Fang and I instinctively moved between the whitecoat and the rest of the flock.
Used - “And then everyone starts eating beef jerky,” Nudge suggested.
Used - She knew we were way, way up the creek, and that I had no plan, and that we had no hope.
Used - Pink patches flared on her cheeks, and she stepped back.
Used - Fang and I exchanged looks, and we rolled our eyes.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader:

The children didn't meet anyone whom they knew; the prisoners were mostly Galmians and Terebinthians.
Used - Meanwhile Caspian was having a much more interesting time.
Used - Lucy looked away after a few minutes because she was dazzled by the beauty of the other Lucy; though she could still see a sort of likeness to herself in that beautiful face.
Used - She became horribly afraid and turned over the page at once.
Used - But here part of the magic of the Book came into play.

And this is the result.

Lucy and the Ducks.

I crossed my arms as Fang and I instinctively moved between the whitecoat and the rest of the flock. I hated when these scientists came to my farm, My dog, Fang, was especially protective of the ducks. This scientist name was Lucy. Her hair was a slight mess, but over all she was pretty. I did not care how pretty she was though; she was not getting my birds.

I must explain myself here though, most farmers do not own talking ducks. I do, I breed them carefully for their range of vocal capabilities, and over these years I had finally developed fully functional vocal cord for talking, and these pesky scientists wanted them to pick apart dissect and study. I was not about to give them up just yet.
“The answer is no.” I said.

I stood there wondering where Caspian was, he was always off doing something crazy or other. I looked Lucy in the eyes. “You may come inside and we will discuss things, but my answer will invariably be no.”
“That would be nice to at least talk, I have driven for two days to get out here.” Lacy said. I rolled my eyes, and walked toward the old home. I opened the rickety front door to the all wood building. Lucy took a seat on the checkered couch. I went into the kitchen and got myself, and Lucy some tea.
Lucy was in the next room flipping through a book. I looked over and smiled.
Caspian was the inventor of our crew, and he made that book to freak anyone who read it. Lucy was only at the begging, and I was worried it would not start working. But here part of the magic of the Book came into play. She flipped the page and lights started glowing off her face. She gasped. She became horribly afraid and turned over the page at once.

I smiled as I walked into the room. I handed her a cup of tea. She took it but looked into the page with a slight horror written on her face. I looked down on the page and realized she reached the distorted mirror part. In it was a Lucy similar to the one before me, but far more beautiful and terrible. Lucy looked away after a few minutes because she was dazzled by the beauty of the other Lucy; though she could still see a sort of likeness to herself in that beautiful face. I reached over and closed the book.

“Caspian made that.” I explained. “He is good with his hands.”
“I can see.” An obviously rattled Lucy said.
“You wanted to discuss the ducks?” I said, wanting to get this over with.
“Yes, I am prepared to hand over five million for the ducks, and the right to study them.” Lucy said.
“No.” I said.
“They told me you would say that.” Lucy sighed.
“I meant no, I am willing to let you go out and see them.” I said, and tossed a bone to Fang.

She smiled, and I stood up. I shoved the lever that opened the door, and walked outside. I was incredibly bored and frustrated with this whitecoat.
Meanwhile Caspian was having a much more interesting time. I just knew it. He always was having fun. He created all kinds of crazy inventions.

I reached the pen, and the ducks all came a running, and were jabbering about nothing in particular. There were a few that I liked in particular, such as Daffy, Or Donald, but the one that ruled over them all was Nudge. I loved Nudge the best because she picked up mostly insults, and snide remarks, making her one of the funniest around strangers.

“The ducks need feeding darling.” One of them shouted. I laughed and grabbed the feed bucket. Me and Lucy stepped inside. She seemed both amazed and stunned. I started feeding them, and heard a bunch of “thank yous” and a few “Whatevers” But Nudge stayed out and looked at Lucy.
“And then everyone starts eating beef jerky,” Nudge suggested.
Lucy looked at Nudge in shock. Pink patches flared on her cheeks, and she stepped back.
“This is amazing.” Lucy said. “You must let us study them.”
“No.” I said yet again.

The most unexpected thing happened next. Fang ran out barking, and I heard a loud machine. I twirled around, and saw Caspian riding a rocket tractor. I screamed as he leaped off.
“Bad news!” Nudge squawked, and the tractor smashed through the fence before coming to a halt. Many of the ducks started flapping and quacking like mad, and I swore I heard a cuss word coming from Nudge. I would have to deal with that later though. Ducks were escaping through the hole in the fence and heading for the creek.

“Get them Caspian!” I yelled. We ran after them, but it was Lucy who did the sensible thing and grabbed an old door laying against the house and blocked the hole with it. I ran after Daffy who was the furthest ahead, but he made it to the creek first. I ran to the dock and shoved the raft into the water. Lucy came up from behind and hopped onto the raft as well. The rains from the day before were causing the creek to run really fast we headed for Daffy as fast as we could. Caspian was screaming from up above. I pulled out a net attached to the raft, and handed it to Lucy. She tried to reach for the duck. I used the rod to steer the raft.

She grabbed Daffy. I heard Fang barking from above. I suddenly realized we were going to too fast. Caspian appeared to be riding his rocket tractor. I looked at Lucy.
“We will get out of this.” I said. But one look from her eyes told me everything. She knew we were way, way up the creek, and that I had no plan, and that we had no hope. I refused to give up on hope though, and looked ahead at Caspian. The water was rushing around and bucking us. I tried to stay calm, but it was not easy. I suddenly jabbed the rod down hard, and tried to slow us down.

The rod snapped though.
I looked up at Caspian, who threw out a net. The raft caught up in it. I braced for the impact, but Lucy smashed her head against the raft as it came to a halt. Caspian held on surprisingly and started to pull us out. I was grateful for his recent workouts now. We reached dry land, and I got out. Daffy was safe. I was soaked, and Lucy was screaming still.
“You people are crazy!” She yelled. She stormed away for her truck, and I smiled.
“You people will not be hearing from me again” She yelled.
Fang and I exchanged looks, and we rolled our eyes. I paused, and realized that a dog just rolled its eyes. I looked at Caspian, and he shrugged.
“Guess we need to build a new fence.” He said. I smiled and walked back towards home.

Why Spiderman 2 is the second worst superhero sequal ever.

When you ask yourself what was the worst super hero movie sequel ever what comes to mind first?
If you answered “Batman and Robin”, you would be correct.

But I am going to talk about the second worst.
No it is not “Spider-man 3”
No it is not “Rise of the Silver Surfer.”
It is “Spider-man 2”

This movie may be one of the most popular out there, but it is one of the worst for two reasons.
One: Plausibility
Two: totally destroying the source material.

I will start with plausibility. Specifically I will talk about the fusion reactor. In the first scene demonstrating Octavius using his arms to manipulate the fusion reactor.

Ok I want to first discuss the issue of heat. This movie shows some kind of force-field around it, so heat is not a problem for the bystanders.

Until the first flare.

The arc that struck the ceiling would actually be hot enough to melt the cement, and fry everyone in the room instantly. You may call it drama, I call it stupid. This is not the only thing wrong with that scene. As we see the metal objects flying into the mini-sun, they would have been so heavy that the sun would have collapsed on itself instantly. Even a small golden necklace would have been enough to collapse it.

Then later we see Spider-man give up on his powers and live a life of normalcy. This bugs me for more than one reason. First of all: if you stop using your arm, do you suddenly lose it? Apparently Spider-man lost the organs that make his webs, and he also lost all of his strength. His vision gets worse, and it appears that the spider bite has finally worn off. Absurd yet? Wait till his girlfriend is kidnapped, and suddenly they are back and better than ever.

That brings up another issue. Mary Jane is like the whiniest Super hero girlfriend ever. She cries, and demands all the attention. She does not care why Peter might be late, or even bother to find out why he has been secretive, she just decides that because his entire world does not revolve around her solely, that she should make him feel even worse, and then ditch him for another guy.

All of this would have been forgivable, had it not been for the fact that Spider-man 2 had the worst end battle ever. No not the train scene, that was a pretty good fight, but the fight that came after that was horrificly bad. Spider-man jumps and saves Mary Jane, and gets beaten up badly, then he miraculously electrocutes Doc Ock, who suddenly gains control of the arms, and decides he does not want to die a monster. He breaks the fusion reactor, and drops it into the ocean. The Ocean would actually destroy a small sun ball like that, but there are many more problems with this scene than whether or not that would work.

1.visual error, Doc Ock started out under the machine, and wound up above it, How?
2.Conceptual error, When the machine dropped it would have been so much heat applied to that water that all of the water within a 1/4 mile radius would have been instantly turned to steam.
3.Again a conceptual error. The second they disconnected the power source, the force-field would have gone down. That mean all of that heat, all of the magnetism would have been unleashed. They showed the magnetism issue, but completely left out the heat problem. All of that heat would have instantly burned up everyone in the building.

How does this kind of junk keep getting passed off as great work? Spider-man was a cliché popcorn flick with downright horrid science, and no pretenses at emulating real people and what they really feel and say. Doc Ock was miscast, and there were several conceptual errors throughout the film. I really had hoped that this would be the end of it all, but the same problems returned in Spiderman 3.

At least spiderman 3 had the great acting by James Franco (New Goblin) and Thomas Haden Church (Sandman) had it not been for them, Spiderman 3 would have been merely a spiderman 2.2

Saturday, May 1, 2010

By the time you recieve this, it may be too late.

At 11;28 my family returned from the comic book store. they came back with comic books, bags, and screaming glow in the dark monkeys.

This is going to be a very looooooong day. My Momma is planning a tour around the city taking pictures of this er Woot the Monkey with landmarks. I am already looking into the cost of earplugs and a two week vacation.

If any of you have like free two way tickets to Alaska, send them to me now.
However by the time they get here.
it may be too late.