Saturday, December 26, 2009

do over! .... what do you mean we can't do that in the real world?

well we finally got our white christmas. Waited 1 years for it but I finally got it. We went out to take pictures, and learned that the sidewalks had frozen over. Well after slipping and sliding we got the hang of it and started enjoying ourselves.

Me and my siblings then went out again to go build a snowman but we quickly discovered that the snow was just too dry to even make a snowball, much less a snow man.after iving up we headed back inside.

That's when thins went wrong. I stepped down on a piece of loose ice, and it skidded out from under me. My knee was dislocated very quickly, and I went down hard in our alley. Within seconds i went to pop it back, and crawl back into our yard. I sat down near the edge of the alley and then waited as my siblings went to go get help. I realized though that if I stayed where i was I would be getting way too cold.

I got up and with the help of my siblings I got inside and propped up my knee. This was a terrible start to what turned out to be a great day. we went to go open the presents and I got a game-boy player, a spider man book, a new denim shirt, and best of all a new MP3 player to replace the one that had broken three days before.

We didn't get to go look at lights but we did spend time together and had a great day.

Today however has been a bit of a fallout. People have gone nuts with shopping and I'm still hurt. My laptop is constantly struggling with this virus. I think I finally got it beat but I'm not confident right now.

I am also starting up a new blog. A story blog to be specific. I don't have anything ready yet but i will soon. I will give an update when i'm ready.


Anna said...

Ouch, I'm sorry Adam! I LOVE snow, and supriseingly this year, we got a TON of snow, a blizzard for Oklahoma :D Poor Laptop ;(

The snow I got, the first day, it was WAY to dry, and the 2nd day it was PERFECT!

Later Adam!


Anonymous said...

Ouch, sorry to hear about your knee. I'm glad you had a white Christmas (finally!). Can't wait to see the story blog!

Jessica Rebekah said...

Oh, ouch sorry to hear about your knee Adam, hope it’s better!

Anyway, I’m glad you all had a great day/time together! :-)
