Monday, July 19, 2010

Time to do something drastic

This blog has hit a slump. I am not writing, and you people are not commenting, so I am planning something big stunning, and comment worthy.

Like...... setting all your kitchens on fire.

Why you, you ask? well I wouldn't want my kitchen on fire. That would be a bummer, but you? I barely know any of you! So let the torching commence!

This just in, PR tells me I should not make these threats, so I apologize for attempting to torch your kitchens.

Now for plan B, TORCHING YOUR LIVING ROOM!!!!!!!

we interrupt this progam to bring you the following message: The viewpoint of this blog may or may not reflect the viewpoints of Adam Brewer, and as such we are not held responsible for Adam's actions or non-action. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! You all shall find nothing but ashes in your living rooms HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I think I am done with the threats, how has your week gone?


Katie Knight said...

Well, thankfully, as you and I have the same living room, I should be safe...

Anna said...

**laughs** Hmm.. Well, I wouldn't mind you setting my kitchen on fire, but I don't think my Parents would like that O_o Torching my living room? Huh. Lemme know how that goes.. **Glances at living room** Nothing is happening yet.. That I know of.. If you do come over to my house to Torch my living room, make sure to bring Katie ;D


Angeline Storm said...

O.o you realize if you torch either my living room or my kitchen. One, you'll never be allowed anywhere near me again. Two, I'll kill you if you touch MY kitchen. Three....daddy might hurt you if you mess with the living room. will probably do something. Five. Nana really will hurt you. Six, Tom might bug out your comp. Seven...I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU TOUCH M-Y K-I-T-C-H-E-N!!! Got it? ok good, otherwise you're fine ^__^ ttyl! see yah...


Treasa Chetwood said...

I daresay I am skilled enough to torch my kitchen and/or living room without your help....
Certainly there are interesting things besides arson? Perhaps putting cellophane on everyone's doors.....