Saturday, July 3, 2010

Of things that go right

Of things that go right:

Best Friend returning,
We have a new (used) truck, (Which we have been needing desperately)
Favorite band puts out an epic new Music Video.
Texas has been not facing drought (Bigger deal than you think)
UFO's have not landed.(big news for those who watched Independence day)
I am starting to get over my Head cold.
My Efforts to revive Inklings is paying off finally.
The Narnia trailer looks awesome.
I'm not dead. (Duh)
Laura's Birthday did not end in disaster (Unless you are a bear. We now have a Venus Bear trap in the Inklings garden)

So how have things gone for you lately? My week started out bad, but has ended with a bang. I am somewhere between Delighted, and Deliriously Happy. If you need me, I will be somewhere in the upper atmosphere.

1 comment:

Mari Fahel said...

Hey, glad you're feelin' so happy!!! :-D My week has been......... interesting.......... But I'llkeep my week to myself ;-) OK? OK! :-P