Who want to watch a movie. Specifically they want to see "Cars". you do not have "Cars", so you try to think of a plan. First you try to convince them there are other movies, but in all honesty, you know that won't work, and if you outright refuse, they will go mad and start throwing temper tantrums, and next thing you know, you will be sprinting out the door to save your life.
The truth is, you either have to go and look really hard for "Cars", or you'll have to trick them. you are tired, and you don't see why you should have to work this hard, so you go for tricking them. You look through your movies, and find a car chase movie. You tell them all that it was the car movie the wanted. they get all happy excited cheer you on, and get ready, and....
They realize you tricked them, and you find yourself running for your life.
This is not uncommon. In fact it is done probably every day. probably not in that way, but people trick little ones all the time. It is how they can avoid doing what the toddler wants, without the work of dealing with a tantrum. This mentality however doesn't end at the toddler stage. People wind up doing it their entire lives. They will do something that is showy, and makes them look good, but if they really had to work, you'd find them running.
The best of these tend to go undetected for years. Politicians are the most notable, because the really good ones make sure that the blame falls on the next guy in line. People are tricked in huge masses, and some of them are starting to wise up to the lies.
We have Politicians left and right, and anyone outside or in between, telling people how they envision America. Everyone has a different vision on the surface, but in all honesty they are one and the same: Control. One does not know always where they are lying, and where they are telling the truth, but we can know to look out for hidden meanings.
Just because something has cars, doesn't mean it IS "Cars". We need to be careful what we agree to in this country. We see Corporations committing fraud legally though licenses. Such as Microsoft limiting windows installations to two times on the same computer.
You may have "Purchased" it, but that doesn't mean anything with how law works today.
And Politicians, and corporations both use our broken Law system to win. they manipulate, point that they didn't lie, we simply misunderstood, and can take our money and run without providing the services they claimed. This is the kind of madness that will in the end destroy this country.
When everyone wises up, and riots.
The question is, when everyone wises up, will they bother to learn the truth? or will they just follow another liar?
1 comment:
:-/ that makes me feel good.... I have this neighbour, whom I try to work for and she is a supporter of Obama, and yet she is a 'firm' believer in pro-life..... the sad thing is she, thinks Obama's a good one to follow..... And I find it makes me sad to see her following such a person, who is bringing America down! We need someone to stand up for what's right! But everyone is afraid to do so.... You know what? I find that we need to stop being silent! It is killing our nation! OK.... I'm getting very opinionated, so I'll shuttup now and stop getting riled up over what is already done and not done :-P Thanks for postin' and I hope you had a good b'day!!! :-D
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