Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lost our fire?

So, knowing my stance on Christian rock already. I was bugged by one other thing Tillie had mentioned, about anger and the feelings rock produce. Recently I have noticed a lot of people saying that Christians should have no temper, to keep themselves in check, and to ALWAYS be loving caring (does the term hippie also describe this?), and touchy feely goodness.

Ok so what is my point? We Christians either fight too much for what we know (or think) is right, or, in most cases, not enough. This goes deeper though, and this is to a core level. We have lost our desire to fight the real war, and to lead the lost to Christ.

What is happening? People have come to the belief, and this has been assisted by churches, that we all are insufficient for shining the light, and that the church REALLY needs us to lead the lost into the building, so that they can lead them.

This is not only in complete contradiction to the Bible, but it also has made us lazy. We have come to the attitude that someone else can lead people to Christ, we just need to show the lost to those people. One glance at the Bible would lead us to the conclusion that we are needing to be outside screaming the Gospel at the top of our lungs.

Why do we refuse to do that? well many would say something along the lines that they would "look stupid". also they have other things to do, some people are even afraid to step into a church, or too busy again. We are so busy with our "Normal lives" and how others view us, that we are blowing our lives away with material things, and not do what we were sent out to do.

Another common thing i see is Christians forcing our traditions and rules on non-believers. It does no good; If they do not see the light, why would they hold the lamp? They don't know what good is, so they just toss the lamp aside and go back to what they were doing. We SHOULD be teaching them the Gospel, and THEN worrying about teaching them the rest. We also should go back to the bible, specifically the new testament, to find out what we should, and should not do. Not look at Victorian traditions.

Bottom line: Wake up and feel the fire of God, and stop fighting the silly fights. We should lead lost souls to Christ by showing them the light.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fully and heartily agree with you! :-D