One thing they never tell you, is that when you are an older brother, you are bound to have weird conversations with a two year old at some point. Buddy and I have had three very weird conversations with each other, and I am going to share them.
I am replacing real names with these nicknames though, so no one in this house is really named Flash, Or Buddy
(Note, none of this happened all at once, I am combining three different conversations into one.)
Buddy: Bubuh Bubuh!.
Me: Yes?
He runs off with a mischievous grin. I worry for a second, and then grab myself some hot cocoa.
Buddy: Bubuh!
Me: Yes, buddy?
Buddy: Weed o’ ween
I am confused at this moment, but he has a Wolverine action figure, so I reply: “Wolverine?”
Buddy: Yeh, Weed O’ Ween
I walk over to the table with my hot cocoa, and look over some of the work in my stuff. He gets up on the bench across from me and leans over the table glaring.
Me: What?
He covers his eyes with his fists and acts like I can’t see him. I keep sipping my cocoa, and glancing up at him only to see him cover his eyes again. I get board, and head for my computer with my half full cup. He runs in there with his “Weed O’ ween”
Buddy pointing at my cup: Wast that?
Me deciding to play along: Yeah what is that?
Buddy: Coffee
At this point I try not to laugh.
Me: No it’s Hot Cocoa
Buddy: yeah, is a Coffee
I do laugh this time.
Me: why not ask flash for some Cocoa?
Buddy runs off yelling: FLASH!
Coming back in the room I ask him what he got.
Buddy holding up the sippy cup full of cocoa: Chocket
Flash: No it’s hot cocoa
Buddy: yes is a Chocket
This is about when he runs around all giddy, and grabs his batman action figure
Buddy: Mad man!
At this point I am tuning out and listening to my music when buddy runs over and sticks batman in my face.
Buddy: Mad man!
Me: go on.
A few seconds later I am still tuned out Buddy runs up to me again
Buddy: DDD!
Me: uh yeah it’s a DV….. wait a minute (I promptly take away the DVD from him, and flip it over to see: Master and Commander: Far side of the world
Me: Where did you get this?
Buddy: Madman DDD
Me: You want me to put in Batman?
Everyone else in the room: NO WE HAVE WATCHED IT A MILLION TIMES!
Me: Ok, how about Superman?
Them: NO
Me: Spider-man?
Them How about you put in Batman?
Rolling my eyes I stick in Batman and let the now very happy Buddy watch for all of ten seconds before he gets board and runs off.
After having put up Master and Commander I move on to my other daily routines only to be interrupted again. This time by Hulk
Me: Sissy can you get him off the laptop?
Sissy (aka Katie): Ok
She gets him off. his is where he start screaming and runs to Mommy
Buddy: Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy
Mommy: WHAT!!!!!!????
Buddy runs off because he forgot what he was upset over.
I walk into the living room, and see him at my laptop again, and buddy is wearing my headphones while bobbing his head, and wiggling his finger across the touchpad.
Me: What are you doing?
Buddy: Storeee
Me: What?
I look down and see nothing was left up, so he wasn’t listening to anything either, obviously he was trying to mimic me. I ask him to move, and he does.
I am starting to finally get some peace when I heard:
Buddy: Bubuh Bubuh!
Oh, goodness, what a conversation you had with Buddy! LOL Sorry I couldn't help laughing a bit! Hehe :P
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! This kid is funny! :-D
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