Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Keep moving foward, keep moving foward, keep moving, keep moving, stop!

Well life has been crazy the past few days, and I can say thing may just get weirder. For the first time I am meeting an Inkling in real life: Anna. this Saturday we are going to the local water park, and she is joining us.

On another note. My story has greatly improved in this new version I am writing. I am finally feeling like it may be as good as the original book. With a new villain, and an old nemesis returning, this could be the better book.

Hy hair is a mess. I hate it when it gets messy, and this time is no exception. I hope to get it cut today, maybe tomorrow.

It's august and so now I am beginning to think Christmas. (Christmastime begins in august here, big family = big Christmas) Last year I did a very popular christmas song coutdown. to repeat that would be boring, so I am planning on topping it.

Here is the big question though: last year I did an equally popular thought of the day column, and I ask, does anyone want that to return?


Birdie said...

I vote yes. Thinking has become seriously under-rated in our society.

Anna said...

I vote yes. It'd be interesting!

I shall be meeting two Inklings on Saturday :D

Can't wait to meet you!

~Lauren ( Anna )
P.S Haha, my family is started shopping for Christmas and getting ready also :)

Jessica Rebekah said...

Christmas??? You already start thinking about Christmas in August?? Goodness me! Lol! =P Well it’s probably better to do Christmas shopping around this time then in December when the shops get so jammed packed, well they do here!

That’s great, I know Katie is going to be thrilled to see Anna in person! =)

Glad to hear your story has greatly improved. Well done! =)
Btw, like your new blog look. Last month of summer for you and winter for me. Hooray! Lol! =D
