Friday, September 18, 2009

In Dark Futures

AZ just sat there in the dark his body engulfed in shadows. No man could, or would come get him before dawn. He always kept to himself at night, and though he never slept he preferred not to be disturbed. Many people were laying silently in their beds tonight sleeping as if this was their last sleep. In the morning he'd get them all up, and they'd face the day. the younger ones would complain while the older ones work themselves to the ground. Yes he knew his people well, and all of their short-comings.

AZ looked down at his hands, the hands that he always wore gloves over. He did it not to protect them, but for the sake of others who couldn't handle who he was. He just glared at those large metal hands. He still remembered the day that he got those, and so many other cybernetic implants. Since that day he never got any more sleep.

He snapped upright, and then just stood there. He heard gunshots. He opened the door to find a small boy sleeping in the doorway, so he carefully stepped over the bay and then sprinted for the stairs. He looked down the thirty some-odd flights of stairs, then jumped. Many who never knew who or what he was would have thought this suicidal, but for him it was normal. He felt the rush of air around him as he fell, and then landed safely several stories below. He scanned his surroundings and continued running on what he was pretty sure the 34th floor, but his sense of direction had never been the best, so he could be sure.

He continued running until he found an old elevator shaft. the cars had long since been ruined, but he could still jump down. again he felt the rush of air before he landed. And this time he cam out on the first floor. Even though a gunshot was a big thing here nothing prepared him for what he saw now. There were several nurses and doctors running around, far from their normal room just upstairs. He scanned the room and saw that two younger teen were badly wounded, and a couple of his better men were mildly wounded. AZ found one of the doctors.

"What happened?" AZ asked with a bit of a mechanical growl to his voice.
"I don't exactly know, I tried asking one of the boys but they don't seem able to answer." The blond haired doctor replied. Brushing the man aside AZ went after another man who was long on a cot with his arm in a sling.
"Do you know what happened?" AZ asked him.
"Sorta, why." The man replied then looked up at him. "Oh sorry I thought you were someone else sir." He looked embarrassed.
"Alright," AZ Pulled up a chair and sat down "can you tell me what happened?"
"Well two of 'them boys back there were startin' to get restless, so I rotated them out with the boys outside who were startin' to get tired. You know normal rotation." The man said. AZ nodded, so the man continued. "Well those two boy musta done somethin' awful because not ten minutes later I see them tanglin' with a Scavenger.

AZ shuddered. Scavengers were robots, and they were usually calm and ignored human presence, but if you interfered with them collecting whatever it was they were after they would never hesitate to tear you to shreds. They were usually peaceful though, so an attack had to of been provoked somehow. He had to get these boys under control somehow. He got up and tip-toed carefully through the crazed room. People around him were still shouting names and numbers. He hated big medical issues.

He found the lead doctor. "Hey! you!" He called. The doctor was busy shouting stuff and writing on his clipboard, but he looked up, and saw AZ waving so he hurried over to him.
"Yes." The doctor said, then mentioned something to a nurse passing by.
"Why are they down here on the first floor?" AZ asked.
"We can't get them upstairs safely; as you can see the stairs are damaged and in need of repairs." the doctor replied. AZ looked around the corner at the stairs and saw that they were rotted. 
"Well we have to do something, You want me and the boys to get a chain and pulley system running, and we'll just lift them to the third story?" AZ asked.
"Sounds like one of your better plans, but can you do it without hurting them? their injuries are... uh quite severe." He said the last part with a little hesitation.
"I'll do my best you just get these nurses into position and we'll go get the old pulley out." AZ said, and ran off without waiting for a response. He knew what he would have to do.

He ran two rooms to the left of the chaos, and found him self in a storage room. The place was grubby like anything on the first floor, but he knew exactly what he was going for. He grabbed the best looking pulley, and walked across the room for the chains. He saw some hanging on the walls, but none that were large enough. AZ grabbed a large chain off the floor. One last thing he needed, Super-humans. not that they were hard to find. you could always find someone with super powers, but finding the right one was very hard.

Walking out into the chaos he could see mostly doctors and guards, some of those could be superhuman. He scanned the room, he usually could tell who had the right powers. from his analysis there were two fire powered kids, and an older guy with ice powers. He never knew why he could tell, he just figured it was part of what happened to him. He looked at his gloves again, and wondered if he could solo this task. Most likely not as he was clearly designed for killing not helping injured teens up to third story hospitals. He ran up the old stairs and up onto 4th floor. this was the first floor for inhabitants, usually for the first floor guards though.

"Attention everyone, I need a super-human!" He yelled. Three heads popped out. None of them looked tough, but as he knew so well looks meant nothing. "What can you guys do?" He asked them.
"I can shoot electricity." One guy said.
"I can manipulate sound." Another added. The last guy hesitated as if embarrassed, then suddenly his arms and legs started popping out of joint, and his skin turned gray and lumpy, finally he was a giant rock monster of some sort.
"I can turn into rocks" he said in a gravely voice. AZ pointed at him, and the guy came along with him. they other two went back into their rooms. "Name is Carl Powers" He said. AZ grinned at the name. the few times somebody had an appropriate name it was funny to him.
"Look we got a couple injured, and we need to get them to the third floor. Problem is the stairs are rotting." AZ said simply. "So I'm setting up a chain in pulley system for them I need you to pull them up." AZ finished. Carl nodded, and started making his way downstairs. AZ turned to an empty room, and opened the window. 

He took off he gloves to reveal his hands, but they looked more like claws at the moment. He gripped the bricks with his left hand and just hung there, and with his right hand he reached for the pulley. He sat it against the wall, but realized he made a mistake; he needed a drill to screw it in place. AZ grunted and swung him self inside. He was startled to see a man sleeping on the wall. He seemed to be peaceful there sticking against it as if he were a bug. AZ looked him over, then barked.
"Why didn't you report!?"
That made the man freak out; first he fell off the wall, then scrambled across the floor to get up.
"Uh, sir?" He said blinking rapidly.
"I just called for all super humans to report, and you didn't." AZ said.
The man stared at him for a minute without comprehension. then he spoke up.
"Sir I'm partially deaf, you'll have to speak up." He said. AZ suddenly relaxed.
"I need your help." AZ yelled. The man pulled something off his desk, a hearing aid, and placed it on his ear.
"Sorry, I didn't think you were gonna barge in. What do ya need?" He said.
"I need you to install a pulley just outside you window, we are trying to haul some guys up to the hospital, but our stairs collapsed." AZ said while tossing him the pulley. "I'll go get the tools."


AZ was standing out in the dirt, the sun was just rising up over the ridge. He still hadn't managed to get those young men up in the windows. His team had been struggling with the board tilting and flipping all night long. AZ wiped his brow as he fastened the chains once more. this man wasn't injured at all, but he volunteered to go, so that the didn't drop anyone on their heads, again. They were now doing what they should have done all along, or at least AZ hoped. They had four small chains latched to the board and they all led to the large chain strapped to the pulley.

Carl grabbed the chain and started pulling again. he saw everyone standing around. They had made so much noise over the last few hours with pulleys falling out of walls, and chains snapping, and having really bad configurations that they had woken almost everyone in the building. Carl continued to pull without difficulty. The board reached the top and the man slid into the window. AZ smiled and everyone else cheered, but AZ knew they needed to find some boards to fix the busted stairs. AZ patted Carl on the back as they lowered the board, and walked back inside. The injured were mostly patched up, so everything was fairly calm. AZ went to the downstairs cafeteria for his breakfast. This room like the hospital was one of the few rooms on the lower levels that wasn't dirty and grimy. He went to the neighboring wash room.
Not many people went for their meals yet, but he usually preferred to eat alone anyway. He washed the dirt off his hands and face, and walked back out.

The golden light was shining through the window. He loved the morning, and how people were usually in a better frame of mind this time of day. He got himself the usual toasted bread, and butter. The day was going to be long, and dangerous. they had to go get more ammunition from The Warriors. He never liked dealing with them because they held a monopoly on the weapons and ammo for the city. they lived in a gutted out building to the north. He looked up to see the guy who stuck to walls walk over to him. The man sat down a the other end of the table, and started reading a book while eating his toast. the book looked beat up with the cover missing; A lot of books looked like that mostly because they were one of the few things people could carry with them to their work sites, and they tended to get worn out.

"What's your name?" The guy asked suddenly.
"AZ." AZ replied.
"No, what's your real name?" He asked now looking up from the book. AZ's eyes darted around. He was feeling very uncomfortable; He knew this man had a right to be curious, but it still made him feel uncomfortable.
"My name isn't so much a name as it is a number." He said finally. "I'm AZ2-R12" he said while lifting his left arm to show a tattoo with the number on it.
"Oh." The other guy said simply.
"What's your name?" AZ asked.
"Zack, I have no last name." He said. AZ nodded, it wasn't uncommon to find someone without a last name. most cases were that his parents died when he was young, and he was raised by someone else, and so he never knew his last name. AZ finished his toast, and left left the table; a lot of work to do, and he had till sundown to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You, my friend, have to write more of this story. I keep going on to see if there's more and is there...nooooo.....